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Noguchi Playground at Atlanta’s Piedmont Park

It’s “art you can touch” and it’s right in our own backyard!
While taking a walk and exploring their new neighborhood, Steve, Jill and their youngest, Mimi, discovered Isamu Noguchi’s architectural playground!
Mimi and Jill enjoying Noguchi Playground
This was a wonderful surprise to learn of, as Noguchi is a big influence on Steve’s art and when visiting the museum dedicated to him in NYC, they discovered he had designed this wonderful playground in Piedmont Park.
A view of Piedmont Park during the McKenzie’s evening walk.
In addition to Noguchi providing great influence over Steve’s art, he and Jill also enjoy living with a Noguchi-designed coffee table…
Noguchi is both an artist and an architect, a set of skills visible in the modern design of this children’s playground.
Now that Steve has been properly surrounded by Noguchi’s designs here in Atlanta, he’s ready to visit his studio in Japan… A bucket list item indeed!
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