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A steve mckenzie’s Wish List will ensure Santa brings just what YOU want!

Think you’re too old to make a list for Santa?? Think again! The steve mckenzie’s Wish List program is here to save the holidays…

It’s so simple to do too! Simply visit our showroom, where you’ll be totally inspired by our beautiful furnishings, jewelry, accessories and so much more, and we’ll work with you to complete a simple wish list. Or, create an account on our website and begin pulling your steve mckenzie’s Wish List together there.

You’ll share who we should reach out to and what we should tell them you’d love as a holiday gift this year. It’s a win-win folks. Your loved ones will appreciate the ease with which they can gift you your greatest holiday desires and you’ll be sure to fall head-over-heels with a present from your loved one!

Be sure to encourage your friends and family to complete a steve mckenzie’s Wish List as well, so your holiday shopping will be done in the greatest of ease. Best of all – we offer complimentary gift wrapping, so your holiday to-do list will be a literal wrap when you leave the steve mckenzie’s showroom. Effortless we tell you, effortless!

And, while there’s an array of fabulous gift options in a wide range of price points, we also offer gift certificates, which your loved ones will surely appreciate!

Now’s the time to get to your Wish List and holiday shopping. We promise an unforgettable shopping experience here at steve mckenzie’s and we’ll work with even the biggest Scrooges out there to help put them in the holiday spirit!

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