A lite bite for the New Year!

For many of us the New Year means detoxing from all the rich foods enjoyed over the holidays and shedding a few of those extra pounds. But, one of the trickiest times to stay focused on healthier eating – at least for us – is snack time! How easy and (temporarily) satisfying it is to pick up a bag of chips, grab a pastry at the coffee shop or snatch up a handful of candies running to your next appointment.

At least that’s our story… If yours sounds similar read on for some relief.

We’ve found a wonderful solution to those quick snack times that won’t weigh you down – quick pickles!

Yes, we said pickles. Homemade pickles. There’s nothing like ’em! If the thought of making your own pickles sounds a tad overwhelming, we promise they’re beyond easy. And this recipe we’re about to share is totally fool proof, not to mention quick. After all, the recipe isn’t named “Quick Pickles” for nothing!


Quick Pickles

1/2 cup white vinegar, eyeball it
2 rounded teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon mustard seed
1 teaspoon salt
1 clove cracked garlic
1 teaspoon dried dill or 2 tablespoons fresh dill leaves, chopped or snipped
1 bay leaf
4 kirby cucumbers, cut into 1-inch slices on an angle

Heat small saucepan over medium high heat. Add vinegar, sugar, mustard seed, salt, and garlic to the pan and cook until it begins to simmer and sugar dissolves. Toss the dill, bay leaf, and sliced cucumbers together in a heat-proof bowl. Pour the simmering liquid over the cucumbers and stir to evenly coat. Allow to cool to room temperature or chill before serving.

Here’s the original recipe by Rachel Ray, in case you want to check out the reviews (spoiler alert – they’re all glowing!).

One small change we make is to cut the cucumbers into thick medallions, we prefer those to the angled slices. Also, use fresh dill if you can, it works so well in pickling recipes! But, we leave our dill fronds fairly full – no need to chop them up too small. You may even consider making a double batch; we promise these go quick!!

You’ll satisfy your snacking cravings with these quick pickles and can you believe you’ll have homemade pickles in practically no time?!? It’s true. Give them a try for yourself and let us know what you think. Happy New Years!